
共益资讯|让量化影响力简明易行:纳斯达克 OneReport 与 B Lab 合作,精简 ESG 报告流程并提供统一数据

B Corps CN BCorpsCN共益企业

B Lab Global 和纳斯达克 OneReport 联手帮助企业精简 ESG 报告流程,以最佳方式呈现其在“环境保护”(Environment)、“社会责任”(Social)、“公司治理”(Governance)方面做出的努力。

在过去的几年里,投资者对可持续发展相关指标、信息披露的关注,随着企业逐渐意识到可持续发展在财务、企业道德方面的效益而激增。然而,由于 ESG 框架繁多,企业披露的信息尚未标准化。
为此,B Lab Global 和纳斯达克 OneReport 联手帮助企业简化 ESG 报告流程,以最佳方式呈现其在“环境保护”(Environment)、“社会责任”(Social)、“公司治理”(Governance)方面做出的努力。
纳斯达克 OneReport 的 ESG 报告软件帮助客户高效地向其利益相关者发布和呈现他们的ESG数据,而这个软件(通过这次合作)与 B Lab 的 B Impact Assessment融合。迄今为止,B Impact Assessment 已帮助 200,000 多家公司衡量、管理和改进了其积极影响的绩效标准,并在全球范围内促成了 7,000 多家认证成为 B Corp(共益企业),成为在全球倡导包容、公平与再生经济模式的引领者。
纳斯达克 OneReport 的用户现在可以在平台上查看和访问包括 B Lab 的 B Impact Assessment在内的其他第三方披露计划、问责框架、标准和指标。十年来,纳斯达克 OneReport通过整合多种 ESG 框架和评级,向客户及其他利益相关方提供统一标准且个性化的 ESG 数据,以支持企业在 ESG 浪潮中找到自身的定位和突破。
B Lab与其他三十多个目前在监管或自发的 ESG 标准、评级、排名与框架一同被纳入了纳斯达克 OneReport。将 B Corp(共益企业)认证标准加入纳斯达克 OneReport 众多可信的影响力管理框架中,能够为客户的 ESG 报告提供更高的效能和更多的参考。
纳斯达克 OneReport 的用户现已可以参考使用 B Lab 的框架和内容,获得更流畅且高效的 ESG 报告体验,以满足不同利益相关者的需求。B Lab 很高兴看到来自 OneReport的用户能够从中获益,以更好地向客户与利益相关方传达自身的 ESG 建设历程,同时吸引新的投资方,以实现公司的目标。

*未成功完成 B Corp(共益企业)认证流程(包括 B Lab 的认证和验证)的纳斯达克 OneReport 客户,不得以任何方式声称或表明自己是认证 B Corp(共益企业)或已通过 B Lab 的认证或验证。



Quantifying Impact Made Easy: Nasdaq OneReport and B Lab to Streamline ESG Reporting and Deliver Unified Data 

B Lab Global and Nasdaq OneReport have teamed up to help companies streamline their processes and to best showcase their ESG efforts.

Over the past several years, investor interest in sustainability-related metrics and disclosures has surged as businesses are seeing the financial and ethical benefits of corporate sustainability. However, with the multitude of ESG frameworks available, corporate disclosures have not been standardized. To this end, B Lab Global and Nasdaq OneReport have teamed up to help companies streamline their processes and to best showcase their ESG efforts.

Nasdaq OneReport's reporting software helps clients efficiently navigate and publish their ESG data to various stakeholders, and has now integrated B Lab’s B Impact Assessment. To date, the B Impact Assessment has helped over 200,000 companies measure, manage and improve their positive impact performance, and led to over 7,000 Certified B Corporations globally as leaders in the global movement for an inclusive, equitable and regenerative economy.

Nasdaq OneReport users can now view and access, in a single platform, B Lab's B Impact Assessment alongside other third-party disclosure programs, accountability frameworks, standards and metrics. For 10 years, Nasdaq OneReport has been supporting companies in navigating the ESG landscape by harmonizing multiple ESG frameworks and ratings, delivering unified and tailored ESG data to clients and other stakeholders.

B Lab joins three dozen other regulatory and voluntary ESG standards, raters, rankers and frameworks that have already been integrated into Nasdaq OneReport. Adding B Corp Certification to the multitudes of credible impact management frameworks already on Nasdaq OneReport provides clients with more efficiency and choices in their ESG reporting. 

Nasdaq's clients can now take advantage of B Lab's capabilities for a more seamless and efficient ESG reporting experience to meet the needs of their diverse stakeholders. We are excited to see how Nasdaq OneReport users will benefit from this new tool when conveying their ESG journey to clients and stakeholders, while attracting new investment to achieve individual company goals. 

Contact Nasdaq to learn more.

*Nasdaq OneReport customers may not claim or represent that they are Certified B Corporations, that they have been certified or verified by B Lab, or that they are in any way affiliated with B Lab unless they have successfully completed the B Corp Certification process, including certification and verification by B Lab.

2017年,以共益企业中国团队(B Corps China)成立为标志的“利益相关方经济”理念中国之路的落地化进程开启,共益企业(B Corp)与共益社群的不断扩大,自2021年起,乐平将引领共益企业中国团队,以智识与系统构建赋能“共益经济”,加快脚步,促进中国以“商业向善”为核心价值的,以企业为主推动力的,未来可持续商业生态系统的建立。





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